Saba Razvi Meagan Cass Samantha Edmonds

Surprise, Strangeness, and Story

A Talk by Meagan Cass , Samantha Edmonds and Saba Razvi

About this Talk

How to add surprise and strangeness to your tale.

24 October 2020, 08:30 PM

08:30 PM - 09:30 PM

About The Speakers

Meagan Cass

Meagan Cass

Associate Professor

Author of AcitvAmerica, winner of the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction, MFA in fiction from Sarah Lawrence College, Stories in Joyland, DIAGRAM, Hayden's Ferry Review, Mississippi Review, and more, Associate Professor of English at University of Illinois Springfield, Assistant Editor for Sundress Publications,

Samantha Edmonds

Samantha Edmonds

Saba Razvi

Saba Razvi