
Have you checked out what our speakers & sponsors are giving away? If a perk has a talk listed under it, all you have to do is attend that session live and we'll automatically enter you into the prize draw.

Note: all these companies mentioned below are offering 1 single free code to one lucky winner. It's a giveaway that will be automatically calculated at the end of the event. 

(Two companies, Serif and ProWritingAid, are offering discounts to Plot Pass owners. Those discount codes will be shared at the end of the summit.)

Please click the links and check them out — I think these are all great tools for writers.

Help spread the word

Get 15% off my upcoming From-Home Retreat, which takes place on November 14th (with a chaser on the 15th). Connect with other writers and get a chance to ask probing questions of the speakers in these intimate sessions, which will challenge you to dig deep into your own work. Info at

Ticket required

20% off the extensive PLAN YOUR NOVEL LIKE A PRO e-course; 30-+ modules; direct feedback from the teacher, Beth Barany; membership in student community for Q&A calls and more. Use this link for your 20% off:

Ticket required