April Davila

How Structure Informs Plot

A Talk by April Davila (Author)

About this Talk

One of the challenges of writing is the limitless possibility of story. By intentionally choosing a structure for our narratives, we set a framework for a satisfying beginning middle and end. Well structured stories are easier to write and more gratifying to read. In this session we will explore examples from contemporary fiction and non-fiction to understand how writers have successfully used various structures to enhance plot. We will discuss POV, timelines, rhythm, and more.

PS April delivered a year's worth of reading recommendations! Wow. And the audience added another year's worth. Wow. You can download the chat history here: April and audience's book recommendations.

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On Not Writing Badly

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22 October 2020, 06:00 PM

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

About The Speaker

April Davila

April Davila
